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Beachcomber Hot Tubs Barrie

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Two Sisters - Herbal Steam

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$ 12.00

Two Sisters - Immerse Yourself in the Benefit of Botanics

Strawberry: High in vitamin C with natural antimicrobial effects.
Chamomile: Inhale the soothing aroma of this herb, and allow your cells to soak in the anti-inflammatory properties

Peppermint: Breathe in this powerful botanical. Peppermint is known to help relieve nausea, calm frayed nerves and even fight off coughs and colds.



Calendula: Embrace the power of this herb as it gently soothes and softens stressed skin.

Rose: Inhale the gentle aroma of rose and allow the botanicals to seep into your skin, promoting a healthy glow.

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Two Sisters - Herbal Steam

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